A Simple Explanation
Done right, e-learning is like living – intuitive, interesting, fulfilling.
A lot of online education is a simple translation of in-class or textbook curricula.
But the most effective e-learning is what they now call “curated” – built by hand for the task at hand.
At CECNA, we work to make our courses interactive, intuitive and enjoyable, with frequent quizzes that have been shown to increase retention and hold interest.
Learn more
Check out these pages for more information:
Online Learning Just For You How you can devise online courses to benefit your organization or business.
Online Learning Puts the "Active" in Learning Done right, online learning is interactive - active, not passive, engaging the learner's full attention.
Certified Expert Program Your associates, volunteers and employees can become Certified Experts in the skills you deem essential. We'll help you set up a training program with lasting benefits.
Expert opinions
Roughly 6.3 million students in the United States are now enrolled in at least one online course, and that number is growing due to the flexibility and benefits of virtual learning.
Don’t take our word for it. Read what experts say about e-learning.
A study in the International Journal on E-Learning discussed both the advantages and potential drawbacks of various types of online learning.
Northeastern University lists seven major benefits of online learning.
And, Drexel University named flexibility, lower cost and more free time as major benefits.
While we don’t offer traditional academic courses, our courses are intended to help consumers and professionals quickly gain more expertise in areas that directly impact their daily lives.