Online Learning Just For You

Training for Tomorrow

Your mission is too important to leave to chance. Online learning is the key to ensuring your staff, volunteers and associates have the training they need to achieve your goals.

Courses Designed for You

Why take chances with boilerplate courses that may not reflect your values or policies?

We work with you to design the courses you need to orient, onboard, train and motivate your associates, volunteers and customers. We create the courses that are just right for you, using the method that best suits your needs.

Convert existing courses. We will convert your printed, PowerPoint or online material to lively, interactive e-training.

Write your own. Write your own course, just the way you want it. We will convert it to a fully interactive e-course, host it and administer it for you.

Outsource the process. Leave it to us. We will research, write and create the courses you need. You will be as involved as you wish.

Hybrid approach. Or, try any combination of these approaches. We provide highly personal, individualized services. No cookie-cutter solutions.

Hands-off administration. Once your course is complete, it’s loaded onto our Learning Management System. Your trainees sign in, take the course and complete all the quizzes and tests. Scoring is completely automated. You receive a report of each participant’s progress and, if desired, successful graduates receive a secure certificate suitable for framing.

The Best way to learn

Interactive learning is different. The learner is fully involved, absorbing information, taking quizzes, paying attention.

Studies confirm that e-learning increases effectiveness, expands the attention span and — by letting them learn at their pace and on their schedule — makes learners feel more involved.

Build your portfolio

As you build a library of courses, you will also be building a powerful resource – e-learning courses that can be used and updated quickly to meet changing needs.

You can share your courses with others for a fee. You can engage us to create condensed courses for free or discounted public distribution. Over time, you become your own e-learning institution.

Achieve your goals

Get your team up to speed, fully versed and ready to answer any question, solve any issue.

Interactive learning means your learners actually absorb the information. They don’t just memorize answers they think will be on the test. Think of it like immersion learning for languages.


“Your Safer Homes for Seniors course was outstanding! I learned a lot and actually enjoyed it. It held my interest from start to finish. The final exam was just challenging enough. Thanks!”

— Mara, Marketing Director

More comments from verified learners:

  • “Learned a lot going through this training. Are we planning on using this to improve our content on-site?”
  • “The layout and training is beautiful! Simple to use and navigate. I appreciated the consistency of the format in each section.”
  • “The human aspect and information on caregiver burnout is something I’d never thought of and will help me have empathy on calls when helping a caregiver make a decision.”
  • “Something that was a huge realization for me was the cost comparison breakdown of the average costs vs one month in a nursing home!”


Have questions? No problem. We have Answers.

These are some of the questions we hear most often. We’re happy to answer any others you may have. Use the contact form to tell us about your projects, goals and issues.
Can I convert an old PowerPoint?

You can but it would be more effective to recast the material to make it more interactive — simpler sentences, more quizzes, mild animation. It can be done quickly and easily.

Are your courses portable?

They’re completely portable and will work on desktops, tablets and smartphones. We can provide a printable reference page as well.

How do the certificates work?

The Certified Expert certificates are presented to everyone who passes your course’s final exam. You decide the score required, number of retries and other specifications.

What’s wrong with printed material?

Nothing, except that big blocks of type on a page aren’t very exciting and static graphs aren’t either. Interactive presentations grab and retain attention, which drives retention.

We don’t have time to do this

You don’t have to. Point us in the right direction and we will research, write and produce your course, in consultation with you.

Do you have a rate sheet?
Not really. Every project is different and we don’t use a cookie-cutter approach. Tell us about your project and we will give you a couple of options. For non-profits and community service organizations, we work on a pro bono basis, charging only for out-of-pocket costs.
Ready toget started?
Get in touch. Use the contact form and we’ll get right back to you.