Probiotic beer? Study says it's possible

Study finds beer really could be good for you in moderation.

Beer, a drink traditionally associated with moments of relaxation and celebration, has emerged as a fascinating topic of study that challenges our conventional perceptions about its health benefits.

A new study has shed light on the possibility of beer surpassing many probiotic superfoods in terms of its positive impact on our well-being. This discovery has generated great interest in the scientific community and among those concerned about maintaining their health in optimal conditions.

Probiotics and their importance

Probiotics, living microorganisms beneficial for health, have gained renown for their positive influence on key aspects such as digestion, immunity, skin and mood. These microorganisms are found in foods such as yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut, but they are rarely associated with beer. However, an innovative study invites us to reconsider this link.

Brewer's yeast as a source of probiotics

Scientists have carried out an exhaustive review of studies that have revealed brewer's yeast as a key component in the preparation of this drink, and as a surprising source of probiotics. Unlike previously thought, brewer's yeast houses strains of microorganisms that survive the fermentation process and reach the intestine in significant quantities. These microorganisms could have a beneficial impact on health.

In addition, it is intriguing that the risk of mortality is significantly lower in those who consume beer in a moderate or light way compared to those who indulge in excessive consumption. This finding raises the idea that moderation in beer consumption could be the key to enjoying its possible health benefits.

Beer and its influence on the intestinal microbiome

The intestinal microbiome, a complex ecosystem of microorganisms that inhabits our digestive tract, has been the subject of growing interest in the scientific community due to its crucial influence on human health. Surprisingly, when beer is consumed responsibly, it seems to trigger a series of beneficial events in the intestinal microbiome.

When we enjoy beer in a moderate way, the compounds present in the drink, such as phenols and other nutrients, are fermented and decomposed by the microbial community that resides in the intestine. This process generates an abundance of metabolites that, in turn, promote changes in the composition of the intestinal flora, generating positive effects on health. These effects include:

Anti-inflammatory properties

Beer could contribute to the reduction of inflammation in the body, a key factor in the prevention of chronic diseases.

Antioxidant Action

The antioxidants present in beer counteract the dysbiosis of the intestinal flora and combat oxidative stress.

Modulation of the Immune System

It is suggested that beer stimulates the immune system, fostering a balanced immune response.

The 3 pillars of beer: polyphenols, fiber and ethanol

Beer is a unique amalgam of ingredients that could contribute to its health benefits. Three key components of beer have been identified as responsible for these positive effects:


These compounds, present in beer, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, maintaining a healthy balance in the intestinal flora.


Beer contains dietary fibers that, through fermentation, stimulate the development of a healthy intestinal microbiota, acting as food for beneficial bacteria in the intestine.


Ethanol, a natural component of beer, could stimulate energy metabolism and help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Beer, as part of our history and culture for centuries, could play an unexpected and positive role in our health when consumed in moderation. It is essential to note that this study does not promote excessive consumption of beer, since excess alcohol can be harmful to health. To enjoy the probiotic benefits of beer, responsible and moderate consumption is recommended.