Interest in Spanish growing among U.S. Latinos

Their parents may speak only one language but many Gen Zers are at least partly bilingual

Interest in Spanish growing among U.S. Latinos

The renewed growth of interest in the Spanish language and Spanglish among Latinos in the United States reflects a greater appreciation of their heritage and a claim for their cultural identity.

As Latinos gain influence in American society, they are showing a renewed pride for their language and culture.

Spanglish: a fusion of English and Spanish

Spanglish, a combination of English and Spanish has gained popularity and has infiltrated the everyday language of many Latinos in the United States.

Although efforts have been made to preserve the correct use of Spanish through institutions such as the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, Spanglish has found its place in the communication of Latinos.

The preference for Spanish in advertising among Latinos

The study carried out by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of the United States and the Chemistry Cultura group reveals that a significant portion of Latinos, especially the "Z" generation (born between 1996 and 2010), shows a preference for the use of at least some Spanish in advertising.

This reflects the importance of the Spanish language as an element of connection with the Latino community and as a way to reach this consumer market valued at more than a trillion dollars.

The adoption of Spanglish as a hybrid form of communication

Although English continues to be dominant in American society, the growth of Spanglish indicates that many Latinos are adopting a hybrid form of communication that reflects their bicultural identity.

Spanglish is not only among first-generation Hispanics, but has also spread to other social classes and regions, resulting in variations such as Cubanglish, Mexicanglish and Nuyorican.

Spanglish as coexistence

It is important to note that Spanglish does not completely replace Spanish or English, but coexists with them. Some Latinos are considered trilingual, speaking Spanish, English and Spanglish, while others are bilingual in Spanish and Spanglish or English and Spanglish.

There is a need to establish a minimum of understanding for all Spanglish speakers, in order to maintain effective communication and avoid linguistic fragmentation.

Implications of the Spanglish phenomenon

The phenomenon of Spanglish and the resurgence of interest in the Spanish language reflect the evolution of the Latin identity in the United States and the importance of linguistic diversity in today's society.

These trends have significant implications for marketing, communication and culture in general, as companies and the media seek to adapt to the preferences and needs of an increasingly diverse and empowered Latino community.

The impact of Spanglish on marketing and communication with the Latino community

One of the reasons behind this trend is the desire to connect effectively with Latino consumers and establish a more authentic relationship. By using Spanglish in advertising, brands can convey a sense of familiarity and closeness, since it reflects the everyday language and cultural identity of many Latinos in the United States.

This allows them to establish a stronger emotional connection with their target audience and build trust in their products or services.

It must be done carefully

Brands must be aware of the regional and cultural differences within the Latino community, since Spanglish can vary in terms of vocabulary and pronunciation depending on the origin of each individual.

It is essential to avoid stereotypes and generalizations, and instead, develop marketing strategies that are based on a deep understanding of the preferences and behaviors of Latino consumers in different market segments.