Consumer News

The leading consumer news outlets in the United States

Considering there are hundreds of millions of consumers in the U.S., there aren't many news outlets dedicated to covering news of particular interest to consumers.

Here are a few of our favorites. Most offer free email feeds.

Consumer Education Council of North America (CECNA) Yep, that's us – a non-profit organization dedicated to consumer education of all kinds. We produce daily news reports for the United States in English and for Mexico in Spanish.

ConsumerAffairs Every weekday, gathers the top news stories and product recalls and presents them in a concise and readable format. The site is primarily concerned with product reviews and buying guides but has a staff of experienced journalists dedicated solely to news.

Consumer Reports The non-profit consumer advocacy and review site produces a handful of stories each month, many of them excerpted from the organization's monthly magazine.

NBC News Television in general has always paid more attention to consumer stories than newspapers and NBC does an excellent job, as their consumer news page shows. Take your pick – text or video.

CNBC The business-news streaming channel has an extensive line-up of consumer stories – many of them basically business stories told from a consumer perspective. Text and video offered.

CBS News Another top name in television news, CBS has a page dedicated to consumer affairs, although the offerings are rather slim and tend to be video-only.

US News We're not quite sure how to describe US News. It used to be a news magazine but is now known mostly for its ratings of various good and services.

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